"The book is very well organised, well written, nicely illustrated and a pleasure to read. Text Excerpts: Hermann and the Hitler Youth The Nazi-Era Lyrics of Gab's darum eine Hermannschlacht?ħ. Two Poems Addressing Hitler During His Election CampaignĦ. The Main Texts of the Program Book for Die Hermannschlachtĥ. Paul Warncke, Vorspruch zum HermannsfilmĤ.

Velleius Paterculus, Compendium of Roman History 2.117.2-120.5ī. The Chief Ancient Accounts of the Defeat of VarusĪ. Will Arminius Conquer the Screen Again?Ī. Parallel Heroic Narratives: Novels and Filmsī. History Without Ideology: Media and SpectacleĪ. Home Schooling: History Lessons on Televisionĩ. After Ideology: History as InfotainmentĪ. Screen Comedy: Hermann the Bavarian and the Fall of RomeĨ. Background: Hermann and Tacitus in German HumorĮ. Arminius on the Postmodern Screen: Die Hermannsschlachtĭ. Anselm Kiefer and the Cleansing of MythĬ. The Liberator Liberated from Ideology: Il massacro della foresta neraĪ. Historical Myth on Screen in the 1960s: With and Without Ideologyī. Homo cinematicus et ideologicus Views History National Socialism: Romans and Germans in Ewiger WaldĬ. Nationalism at a Boil: Die Hermannschlachtĥ. Ideological Victories: The Defeat of Varus on the German ScreenĤ.

Arminius Conscripted into "Break-Through Battle" Arminius' Largest Monument: The HermannsdenkmalĪ. Theme and Variations: Arminius from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Centuriesī. Backgrounds to Twentieth-Century IdeologyĪ. Origins of Myth: Arminius in Ancient Literature and in German ScholarshipĢ. The Fate of History in the Time of the Imageġ. Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Global Public Health.

#Arminius d review series
The European Society of Cardiology Series.Oxford Commentaries on International Law.